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It is all about love...

"The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away."  

Pablo Picasso.

During my time pursuing a Master's Degree in Music at NTU, I delved into the concept of happiness, leading me to explore the essence of love and the meaning of life. I pondered the disparity between mere survival and truly embracing existence.

The crux lies in love and well-being.

What, then, is love to me?

In my view, love manifests through our senses—through what we hear, taste, smell, see, and touch—when we allow ourselves to fully perceive the world around us.

Since graduating from NIE, I have immersed myself in the role of a music teacher, cherishing each moment with genuine affection. Moreover, crafting beauty through culinary endeavors fills me with a profound sense of fulfillment whenever I step into the kitchen. Music and baking have consumed a significant portion of my life's journey. For me, both music and baking serve as avenues to experience love.

My aspiration is to extend this love, to be a part of your every meaningful celebration.

love is love.

Never give up.

S’mores Blondie with Homemade Fluff.jpg

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